By building his first Hüsler Nest in 1982, Balthasar Hüsler not only created an extraordinary sleeping system – he revolutionised bed construction. Harmony is the successful interaction of several parts to form a whole. We are part of nature. Even if in the course of the day we do a whole lot of things that are against nature – in the evening at least we need to get reconnected.
A good bed must harmonise with the sleeper and accommodate to his or her individual anatomic characteristics and personal sleeping habits. A good bed should be natural, as only natural untreated materials give us the kind of cosy nest atmosphere that allows us to reconnect with our own natural inner forces. It’s a place where you feel well looked-after and can find peace and re-energise away from the stress of daily life. And if we allow ourselves to suppose that every person who sleeps in a Hüsler bed wakes up in the morning feeling just a little bit more rested and so more wide awake, this is our modest contribution – without wanting to make undue claims – to a better world.
The solution lies in the harmony between man and nature
In 1982, Balthasar Hüsler spent a lot of time thinking about the essential meaning of good sleep and designed the first Hüsler Nest bed. His back pain kept him awake many nights. No bed in the world seemed able to help him. This led him to ponder basic questions. What is healthy sleep? How does one lie properly? When do we really feel rested and comfortable? My father was convinced that the answer to these questions had something to do with harmony. Harmony is the successful interaction of several parts to form a whole.
Based on these insights, more than 35 years ago he designed and made the first Hüsler Nest bed – and it proved a success. The bed became his source of personal strength, and Hüsler Nest’s story of success had its start. Thousands of people now sleep in beds made by Hüsler Nest.
Today the firm is managed by Adrian Hüsler, representing the second generation. He has remained loyal to the convictions of his father. The solution lies in harmony between human beings and nature.
Balthasar Hüsler was the first to separate the woollen cover from the mattress, because he wanted a bed that was breathable and easy to look after. He was also the first to make pillows measuring 40 x 60 cm - not to increase the turnover of bed linen manufacturers, but because he realised that from an ergonomic point of view that is the best size of pillow.
His findings and in-depth knowledge about timber structures, ergonomics, sleep research, material technology, sleep atmospherics and hygiene resulted in the well-known Hüsler Nest philosophy. This forms the foundation of all our activities. It defines our product developments and any optimisations we carry out, and it is the most important reason why you should treat yourself to a Hüsler Nest bed.

«The good morning begins in the evening.»
— Balthasar Hüsler
Philosophy of materials
Bed materials should help human beings to find refreshment. When we are asleep, we are unconscious, so we are helplessly exposed to environmental influences. This is why we need to ensure that the materials we surround ourselves with when we are asleep create a pleasant, healthy, and revitalising environment. We can only achieve this through our choice of natural materials.
Philosophy of design
Anyone who makes beds has the problem that the weight, height and physical makeup of the person who is going to sleep in it are an unknown quantity. So as far as possible the bed needs to be designed without reference to these aspects. It follows that a bed must be equally well adapted to a slightly built woman weighing 45 kilos and to a heavyweight man who weighs 150.
Philosophy of hygiene
Moisture and soiling caused by sweat are the main hygienic problems in connection with beds. Chemical agents as a solution to this problem cannot be reconciled with our philosophy of materials. So we need to have breathable, self-cleansing materials which are washable and can also be individually replaced when they come to the end of their useful life.
Our promise
We stick to our convictions. With Hüsler Nest you can be confident that you will always be offered first-class healthy materials, an outstandingly adaptable and supportive design and a hygienic bed that is easy to maintain. And it’s going to stay that way.